No word to tell how great this is.
Well, now Tricky's body did something more tham be a cameo. It actually came into use this time around. Btw, how did his body work? the Improbability Drive was broken and Tricky was killed, so... yeah. But it might be because the Secret Drive is still out there. Also, the Possessed Agents looked exactly like the Possessed ATPs. The first Mag Agent was a bit of a problem to Hank, but the second one was no match to that gun of his. Also, that white gun Sanford used at the beginning was finally shot! Speaking of Sanford, he kinda stayed back in this movie. Too bad Deimos didnt get revived or something. He was now a cameo. Also, I don't think the Auditor needed to be any bigger. Also love your remixed MC7 tunes ^_^.