Pokemon music 4EVAR!...
..Well, at least until I lose inspiration. :P
Now, as far as Flash goes, I am JUST STARTING a sprite movie, it may contain Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and maybe some other shit. I doubt this will go anywhere, but I still haven't used any tuts yet, so I gotta learn how to sprite-imate (haha). So for now, I will be submitting Pokemon music til I get bored of them.
So this is my progress, whats yours?
PROGRESS:(////////__________) I will post a pic when I get a chance. BTW, the Pokemon part is done. Working on Mario.
EDIT (2011): Pic.
EDIT 4/6/12: To be truthful, I basically gave up this project. It was a strain to do, and its not like anyone was expecting it.
I will be posting music still, Expect some in the near future!